Petunia turned 8 today, which is already yesterday to my East Coast friends. It was a banner day, though non-stop for me. This morning, my sweet girl was greatly looking forward to the day ahead. She and the Guv woke me at the crack of dawn for present-opening ceremonies, after which we discussed the day ahead: Pajama Day at school (sporting satin PJs purchased last-minute, thank you Target) on "early release" Wednesday (school lets out at 1 instead of 2:30 every Wednesday). After school, a three-girl playdate with friends we'll call ZeZe and KiKi, beginning with Rick's ice cream and ending with late-afternoon soccer practice. A brief interlude would be followed by picking up birthday cake to take to the "potlick" (my kids, they get right to the point of the gathering) at Dash's preschool. The day was jam-packed, and my only break would be in those precious morning hours of Dash's preschool.
Or not.
For at our crack-of-dawn session, while reviewing the day ahead, Petunia pulled me aside and said, "You do have party games for the afternoon, right, Mama?"
Naturally, I smiled and said, "Of course! I not only have party games -- I have AWESOME party games! You'll have so much fun with ZeZe and KiKi!"
Petunia: "Does Dash have to play with us?"
Mama (who never answers a question posed by a child unless she's certain of the answer): "Do you want him to?"
Petunia (shocking me): "Of course! He's my brother! We can't leave him out of my party!"
Mama: "Then play, he will."
Now, there are lies (Santa, the tooth fairy, etc.), and there are damn lies (weapons of mass destruction, dangling chads, etc.), and then there are birthday lies (yes I have party games, yes your brother can play too, etc.). I fear the birthday lie going awry the most, because the last -- the very, very last -- thing that a parent ever wants is even a slight hint of disappointment on a child's birthday. This is why we go to such extremes for parties, gifts, special moments (telling that birth story yet again), homemade favorite meals, cake... We want our kids smiling all day on their day, because they made us who we are: Parents. And no matter what we achieve in life aside from the titles Mom and Dad, nothing else will ever seem quite as great.
I did not ever drink my coffee today, I didn't curl up with a book as planned, I didn't work on my next blog post, and I didn't collapse from exhaustion (okay, that was a wee lie, because I just woke up from putting Dash to bed). I'm also pretty sure that I forgot to eat lunch.
Instead, I dropped Dash at preschool, and Mission Last-Minute Birthday Party began. First stop, Costco, checking for cake for tonight's "potlick." No dice: almost all Costco cakes have nuts, a no-no at Dash's school. Picked up Dash's "unbirthday" present, the Tonka garbage truck of his dreams, and snacks for Saturday's 8 am soccer match (damn it, there goes more sleep). Saw PetSmart across the way; remembered that the guinea pigs are out of pretty much everything: hay, food, bedding. Stocked up. Took the 101 to Toys R Us to pick up a globe, another last minute request from Petunia. (Note to all: globes in Palo Alto are $60; the exact same globe is $20 at Toys R Us in Redwood City.) Marvelled at how Toys R Us has no party games. Also marvelled at how I couldn't see beyond the "party packaging" and come up with something there. Returned to car at 11:15 -- half an hour from preschool and an hour away from pick-up time. Punched "Party" into the navigation system -- and voila! Found a Party City a mile away! Picked up party hats, a couple of inflated balloons, picture-based party bingo, an inflatable cake ring toss game, and Sarah Palin's favorite game, shoot the tail off of stick the tail on the donkey. Grabbed some spider and bat rings and chocolates in case Petunia also expected party favors.
Made it to preschool just in time to pick up Dash, who was naked down to his diaper and painted green. I am not kidding. The kids at his preschool are allowed to be in skivvies with body paint, which, in my day, was not allowed until one hit college age. Yet I had a freakin' Oompa-Loompa before me, and he was suddenly no longer happy to be naked and dirty.
Returned home, bathed a very unhappy "I want my pants I want my shirt I want this paint off of my face" Dash at top speed, picked up the party girls, fed them ice cream, and played Ryan Seacrest to their party games for the afternoon. Here's an excerpt from the bingo game: "Oooh, I want a sun next, please!" "Please let there be a sailboat next!" "Call an apple, please!" "Please can we play again?" Yes, Petunia has actually made some friends why might be more polite than her -- and that's really saying something!
Squeezed in an impromptu meeting with a landscaper, with whom I'll be spending a day and a mint grooming and learning about my garden, including planting the coolest thing I've ever heard of: an espalier along my alley fence.
Bought nut-free cake at Safeway. Made it to potlick after the Guv due to horrendous traffic -- the first time the Guv has ever beat me anyplace.
And these are among the many reasons why I fell asleep with Dash and am going back there right now. Tomorrow's forecast is sunny and in my jammies. Birthdays come but once a year because that's all a mom can take! Phew...
Or not.
Petunia's REAL birthday party involves bowling with her entire class, plus a few, two weeks from now. Dash has his own lane. Perhaps I'll paint him green for the occasion!
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